Stay In The Moment With The RE Camera

Great post on a great product.


I am a social media fanatic. I love posting photos and updates, but I hate being taken out of the moment and getting a look from my wife and kids. Enter the RE camera by HTC. This is such a fun device it just brings a smile to my face thinking about it. At first glance it looks like a submarine periscope or an asthma inhaler, but it’s really just a simple to use point and shoot camera.

The RE The RE

Almost everywhere I go I am stopped and asked about the device. The design is extremely minimal, no viewfinder, no dials, just two buttons and a lens. The larger mirrored button is the shutter button. A quick tap captures a still. A longer press initiates a video. Stills can be captured in various sizes up to 16 MP. Video can  be captured in 1080. Below the lens is a…

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